Thursday, August 15, 2024

National NC-98 Restoration

 This is another National NC-98 I restored. This cabinet was a little rough, but I first dealt with the electronics to make sure it wouldn't be too expensive to restore. 

The main power supply cap was leaky, so I replaced that first. The receiver was then brought up on a variac with a dim bulb tester used to limit current. She cooked about a day with that setup, and no problems, so I moved to the rest of it. All paper/wax and electrolytic caps were replaced with ceramics or orange drops, out of spec resistors replaced, serviced all switches and controls, and aligned it. I wanted to retain as much of the original finish as possible, so I used Naval jelly to remove rust from the surface pitting, and then automotive compound and wax. Turned out pretty good for a rig from 1953! Here's a few pics and vid...