Once the electrical restoration was completed, it was time for the really heavy lifting...cosmetic stuff. In previous blogs I described repairing a knob, and preparing to strip the face plate. Photos were taken of the lettering and words on the front, measurements made of the location of the words and the pinstripe, and dimensions documenting the two tone paint scheme. Then, the fun began. Here's a batch of photos of the face plate work, mostly in reverse order...
Here's a pic of the finished front panel, ready for installation!
Here's a look at the pin stripe I hand painted on the face. That was a first for me, and since I did it after applying the lettering, I was pretty nervous about this step :-)
Here, the front panel has been sprayed, had the lettering and pin stripe applied, and awaiting a couple of coats of clear matte spray to protect everything.
A photo of the front panel with the lettering applied, awaiting the pin stripe application.
Meanwhile, the cabinet was taking shape. Here is is after sanding, filling, primer, and color being applied.

Cabinet in primer, drying in the sun.
The cabinet being sanded, having rust removed, and prepped for filler & primer.
A test fit of the dial lens, after the two-tone paint was applied.
Lower section sprayed gray...
Face being taped off to spray gray on lower section.
Whole face plate sprayed in black...
Face in primer, after sanding away all of the rust and old paint, filling the pitting, and prep.