Sunday, August 25, 2024

EF Johnson Messenger 223 Restoration

 Here's another yard sale find...I can't help myself. This was one of the dirtiest, worst condition rigs, I've done in a while. It had set in a damp barn for decades, and the chrome had bubbled up a little. I'm still looking for a junker with a good knob and decent faceplate, but it's pretty good, otherwise. After a major cleaning, I replaced all of the electrolytic caps, a bunch of resistors, removed a dirt dobbers nest, and aligned it. Wow!! What a hot receiver this old girl has. Another classic saved from the landfill, and on my shelf in the collection. Here's a few pics...the first 3 are post  resto, the rest are of this dirty beast during resto. Check out the dirt and caps :-) How do radios get in this condition? I guess I love radios too much!