Wednesday, March 12, 2025

Heathkit HW-12

 This is the first part of a Heathkit HW-12 restoration. The HW-12 was a popular monoband 100w rig from around 1963, on the 75m band. I've found, if I do the cosmetic stuff first, I'm much more motivated to finish in a timely manner :-) 

The cabinet was in horrible condition, so I started on that. The wrinkle finish had popped off in places, so I sanded and sprayed a coat of the VHT wrinkle paint from Auto Zone. I've found the Krylon "Hunter Green" paint to be very close to the original, unfaded green color on the HW cabinets. I use the satin version on wrinkle, and the matte version on the smooth HW-100-ish versions.