Wednesday, March 12, 2025

Galaxy Pluto Repairs

 This is a Galaxy Pluto I repaired for a friend. It had spent a big part of it's life in a vibratory environment (tractor trailer) and had lots of hairline cracks in the 3 pc boards, along with cold/bad solder joints these early export rigs were known for. Also, the VCO was unlocking due to the wax poured in that that area. Many radio mfgs (Kenwood and Yaesu, to name a few) of that era would pour paraffin on the frequency sensitive areas to enhance stability. It would absorb moisture and become conductive, causing problems. I melted and removed the wax. I  repaired the cracks and solder issues, replaced a bad s-meter & lamp, and gave it a fresh alignment. This is a great rig and ready for more years of use!