Monday, March 10, 2025

Hard Drive Failure

This spans a few days...

2/20/25: I have a computer problem and need a junker hard drive controller to try and save the data off my master drive. If any of you have junk tower or desk top computers to dump, let me know. The controller in this 20 year old IDE drive failed. If I can salvage a controller from a junker and get it spinning again, I'll be able to save the data. Here's my bad drive...

***UPDATE*** I didn't explain this very well. The IDE controller circuit board that's part of the drive has failed. That's what I need to hopefully salvage a ton of data from the HD unit.

March 6, 2025: Yay!! I have my old shack computer up and running! Recently, I posted about a hard drive failure, where the drive in my old XpPro box stopped spinning. I had procrastinated on backing it up, and had lots of stuff on it I didn't want to lose. I was worried. After checking things as much as I could, I felt like the controller board on the drive had died. I searched eBay, found an identical drive with the same revision # as mine, and bought it. When it arrived, I pulled the board and installed it on my old HD. It came to life, booted up, and all was well. 

Needless to say, I spent the next day moving copies to a jump drive and backing everything up. Whew...that was a close one!