Sunday, September 1, 2024

Heathkit SB-303 Restoration

 This is a Heathkit SB-303 receiver I restored. To be 50+ years old, it was pretty well intact. I replaced the electrolytic caps, replaced a few out of spec resistors, replaced a bad transistor in the I.F. strip, replaced a bad hetrodyne osc crystal, serviced all controls and switches, and disassembled the vfo and serviced it (it had the typical vfo warbles). The 303 uses a batch of plug-in boards that will drive you nutty with bad connections, so I cleaned all those connections and shimmed the sockets a bit for a better connection when plugged in. Once all this was done, a full alignment really had her playing great! The paint was in pretty good condition, so I had some mixed to match and touched it up. Here's a few vids and pics of this restoration...