Sunday, November 26, 2017

Antenna work - 11/26/17

Finally had a little time to get back on my tower and get more antennas pulled up. I broke my Force-12 6 element HF yagi into 3 sections, pulled it up the tower, and reassembled it from up top. The assembly went well and it was an easy one-man job. Once in place, I got the feed line and rotator cable pulled up and connected. Here's a few pics from the work...

 A shot down the tower as I pulled up part of the yagi...

 Looking south at the reflectors...

 Looking north at the driven elements...

 Looking at the horizon to the west from about 105' up...

 A pic from the front yard, the yagi sits at about 105' up now...

 Looking north, over the boom, cam at about 107'...

 Looking down the tower, my feet are perched on the rotator plate...

 The view to the west is awesome from this height...

 Looking up from my driveway, things are beginning to come back together, finally.

 Looking up from the northern part of my front yard...

Time to build the next antenna for the stack and get it in position #2!